Leadrship and teambuilding - soft skills for women in IT

Workshop Objective:

Empowering women in the new technology/STEAM industry, working on building confidence and competitive edge at work, leadership skills, and effective team-building competencies.

Who is it for?

This in-person workshop is dedicated to women who want to strengthen their professional position in the world of new technologies.

  • Are you a new leader who doesn’t feel confident in this role?
  • Are you planning to take on a managerial position and want to gain the right skills for it?
  • Do you need to build a team at work?
  • Do you want to know how to build effective teams?
  • Are you considering a change of position but have concerns about handling a new leadership role?

This workshop might be just for you!

Topics (detailed agenda in the application form below)


  • 9:40-10:00 – Registration
  • 10:00-12:30 First Part: “ME AS A LEADER”
    • Team game on leadership
    • Characteristics of an effective leader
    • Self-diagnosis and individual development plan
  • 12:30-13:00 – Break
  • 13:00-15:15 Second Part: “BUILDING EFFECTIVE TEAMS”
    • Fundamentals of building an effective team in a dispersed world
    • Leader communication – empowerment feedback, delivering difficult information, providing support, conflict resolution
  • 15:15-15:30 – Conclusion

Take care of your soft skills to work even more effectively in technology and STEAM

FREE In-Person Workshop in Warsaw

Join us on Saturday for an intimate gathering, ensuring a comfortable working environment. The workshop will be highly engaging and developmental, featuring various inclusive and interactive activities.

Workshop Methods:

  • Interactive mini-lecture
  • Team games
  • Individual work sheets
  • Pair work
  • Group discussions
  • Feedback sessions
  • Case studies

Date: June 22, 2024, Saturday (workshop from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM, registration from 9:40 AM) Location: ZnanyLekarz, ul. Kolejowa 5/7, Warsaw Location on Maps

Please submit thoughtful applications. Register if the workshop’s topic is valuable to you and you know it will be indispensable in your work. Additionally, ensure you are available on this date and during these hours. Thank you for respecting these guidelines.

The workshop will be led by Magdalena Jelonkiewicz-Bałdys. You can find her bio in the registration form below.

Warsztat realizowany w ramach projektu Power Her TECHGirls Code Fun Power her TECH