“Me in IT” – The project is designed for women who want to start their journey with technology in the field of hard skills or expand their soft skills. The “Me in IT” project offers a series of free online and in-person workshops in Warsaw, which will take place in February and March 2024.
Goal: Our goal is to equip participants with the hard and soft skills necessary to thrive and grow in the IT industry. We want every woman who participates in the “Me in IT” project to gain not only technical knowledge but also the confidence and skills needed to shape their future in technology.
Who is it for? The “Me in IT” project is aimed at women who are new to the technical aspects of the IT world. At the same time, the project supports the soft skills of those who are already in the industry but want to improve their resumes, boost their confidence, and start taking action. Whether you are just beginning your journey or looking for ways to develop, one of the workshops organized as part of the project will meet your needs.
Limited Seats: Remember, the number of seats is limited – each online workshop can accommodate up to 25 women. The in-person workshops can accommodate up to 20 women. In total, we will train 150 women. Don’t miss your chance to gain valuable skills and apply today!
We invite you to participate in the “Me in IT” project and start your journey. Together, we can change the face of the technology industry, making it more accessible and friendly for women. Join us now! We will prioritize women who have not had prior exposure to the topic for the workshops.
Girls Code Fun